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Live Sound Guided Group Ketamine Journey


The Cardea team and its unique Ketamine Space provide a safe and supportive environment for exploration and transformation. Our facilitators and sound practitioners will guide you through this unique fusion of therapies, offering their insights, wisdom, and compassionate care, while holding space for you to have your own individualized and self-directed journey.

Schedule a FREE consultation to discuss the session in more detail with the Cardea team:


Introductory Call
You will begin with a 30-minute introductory session with one of the space holders. This is a time for us to begin the process of getting to know you and understand your interest and intentions. We will share more information about the group experience and answer any questions you may have. If it feels like a good fit, we will schedule a medical intake session and send you some intake paperwork through our client portal.

Medical Intake Session
You will then meet virtually with our doctor for a medical intake session where we will explore your medical and mental health history with you to ensure a safe and therapeutic process. At this point, if there aren’t any unresolvable contraindications, our doctor will write you a prescription for a ketamine nasal spray which will be delivered to your home prior to the first session. You will need to bring your prescription with you to each group.

The Group Experience – Here’s How It Works:

1. Open the Portal: With the guidance of a licensed therapist, we’ll gather around a blank canvas and together create pressure-free flowing art. Afterward, we invite guests to share reflections and intentions as they relate to the experience. This playful use of our imagination and improvisation creates a state of openness, curiosity, and connection to help prepare you for the ketamine session.

2. Gather in the Grotto: Our hour-long ceremonies take place in a specially curated room created for psychedelic therapies, where each guest has a designated space to lay down and get comfortable with plenty of pillows and blankets. Once everyone self-administers their ketamine nasal spray, the group will receive live vibrational sounds from our experienced sound facilitators, to deepen the experience. Eye masks will be provided and are strongly encouraged to be worn throughout the session.

3. Process after the Journey: Honoring this communitas, we invite everyone to gather in our recovery lounge over fruit and tea as they begin to explore their shared, yet inward experience. We also allow quiet space for solitude for those who’d like to remain in their processes. Cardea provides an additional integration opportunity the following week in an hour-long virtual session facilitated by a licensed therapist.

4. Ongoing integration: We believe change and growth don’t happen in isolation, but in the container of relationship. We want to promote connection between individuals, ideas, and communities. Our weekly virtual integration group is a place to breathe life into the work you’ve done at Cardea and beyond, and to be held by a collective. We hold this weekly integration group virtually each Wednesday evening, from 7-8pm. It’s an open group available to all our clients. You do not need to sign up in advance and you can join as frequently as you want. It will be facilitated each week by Zach Rieck, LCSW, our Clinical Director.


Session Fee: $350.00

Medical Fee: $100.00

Nasal Spray: $100.00


Schedule a FREE consultation to discuss the session in more detail with the Cardea team:

Cardea is dedicated to assisting individuals in their recovery from deep psychological anguish and supporting those seeking an awakened life. We believe that breaking free from standardized living and embracing uncertainty and novelty are key to personal growth and well-being. Join us as we explore the limitless possibilities for self-knowledge and increased wellness through the fusion of psychedelic-assisted therapy, ketamine care, and acupuncture.

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